A guide to solve Unicode issues when using i18n with Django. Use your special characters when translating to Spanish, German or Chinese.
Understanding more about Reference Counting and Generational Garbage Collector, the garbage collector algorithms used by CPython.
After losing the network connection in a Droplet, here are some notes about how to restore the system.
It was not the first time that we saw the problem, and it was not the first time that we cannot figure out what was
I am curious which programming language is more useful for Artificial Intelligence. “Choose the language that you are more proficient in”, it is not an option
Deep learning is interesting in many ways. But when you consider to do it in thousands of cores that can process millions of parameters, then the problem
I wondered how to do some text classification with Java and Apache Mahout. Isabel Drost-Fromm gave a talk at the LuceneSolrRevolution Conference (Dublin – 2013) where she
There are a lot of books in the field of Machine Learning, just a fast search in Amazon gives you more than 25.ooo books. I wanted to
When you have done so many projects from scratch, using legacy code… different type of customers: banks, telecoms, retail, … in different type of companies